Arudha Lagna | Astrobelief Astrology

How to find Arudha Lagna from D1-Natal Chart(Lagna Kundali) & its Importance

To find Arudha Lagna from Birth Chart D1, is very Simple, Wherever the lagna lord Placed in birth chart count same number to find Arudha Lagna.

Example 1: Suppose Lagna lord placed in 5th house in your birth chart, than count 5th from fifth, Now here 5th from fifth is 9th house. so in this case 9th house is the Arudha lagna for that person.

Example 2: Suppose Lagna lord placed in 6th house in your birth chart, than count 6th from Sixth, Now here 6th from Sixth is 11th house. so in this case 11th house is the Arudha lagna for that person.


Importance of Arudha Lagna: From Arudha Lagna if there is Natural Benefic planets like-(Moon,Jupiter,Venus, Mercury) in Trikona-(5th & 9th) from Arudha Lagna, this is good sign for the person, He/She will have good name & Fame in Society. Basically He/She will have a good image. Visevarsa if there is malefics in Trikona.


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