Naadi Astrology Predictive Rules | Astrobelief Astrology

Naadi Astrology Predictive Rules | Astrobelief Astrology

Naadi Astrology Predictive Rules

Naadi Astrology encompasses a variety of predictive rules for different events. Today, we will discuss the planetary combinations created by considering the planets’ ownership and sitting position. In Naadi Astrology, these combinations are important for understanding and predicting various life events. By examining which planets own certain houses and where they are positioned, Naadi Astrology predictive rules give you more clarity in understanding the chart in depth.

Naadi Astrology Predictive Rules Table:


Events Combinations Effective Planets
Marriage 2-7-11, 1-7-11, 7-12-11, 1-7-9 Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Moon,
Business 3-7-11, 1-7-11, 7-12-11, 1-7-9 Saturn, Mars, Mercury
Divorce or Separation 6-7-12, 2-7-12, 7-8-12, 6-7-10 Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu
Love 5-7-11, 5-8-11, 1-5-11, 2-5-11 Venus, Moon, Mars
Litigation/debt 1-6-12, 1-6-10, 2-6-12, 6-8-12 Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu
Money Profit & Gains 2-6-11, 1-2-11, 2-8-11, 2-4-11 Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn
Loss of Money or Money Problem 2-6-12, 2-11-12, 2-8-12 Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu
Property 2-4-11, 1-4-11,4-7-11, 4-6-11 Mars, Saturn, Jupiter
Job 1-6-11, 1-6-10, 6-10-11, 2-6-11 Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter

How can I found or Analysis the Combinations in our Chart?:

Example1: Suppose in Aquarius Ascendant Chart, Jupiter is sitting in 6th house, this creating a Combination of 2-6-11, Because Jupiter is the ruler / Lord of 2nd & 11th house in this chart and sitted in 6th house so the combination of 2-6-11 has been formed of Money Gains Unless Jupiter is not Combust or Aspected by Saturn. 

Example2: Suppose in Taurus Ascendant Chart, Jupiter is sitting in 2nd/ 1st, 4th or in any house with Mercury, this creating a Combination of 2-11,, 1-2-11, 2-4-11, Respectively Because Jupiter is the ruler / Lord of 8th & 11th house in this chart. Which creating combination of Money Gains Unless Jupiter or Mercury is not Combust or Aspected by Saturn. 

Note: While applying above naadi astrology predictive rules you should not underestimate the basic rules of Karka in Astrology, 

Example: If you are seeking to understand the possibility of divorce in astrology, one important combination to consider is when the ruler of the 7th house (which represents marriage) is positioned in the 6th house and is either Aspected by or joined by the ruler of the 12th house. This combination suggests a potential for divorce. However, it’s crucial to also examine the placement of Venus and Jupiter. If they are well-positioned or if Jupiter aspects the 7th lord in the 6th house, then this combination may not be as negative. In such cases, the likelihood of getting a divorce might be lower or “abducted,” indicating that the chances of divorce may be reduced.

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