Krittika Nakshatra | Nakshatra of Sun | Astrology Course

Characteristics of Krittika Nakshatra in Astrology

Krittika Nakshatra Represent: Illicit affairs, surrogacy, abandon children, IVP, sperms, Extramarital matters, in Vedic astrology, Krittika resides in the sign of Aries as well as Taurus. The name Krittiki translates as “one who cuts” and the symbol is a razor or sharp object.

26 40′ Aries to 10°00 Taurus Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Krittika Ruled by The Sun

Devata: Agni- The God
of Fire

Symbol: Razor

Yoni: Goat/Sheep

Motivation: Kama

Ayurvedic Dosha: Kapha

Caste: Brahmin

General Characteristics: Determined to achieve greatness, sharp, cut and penetrating, it is called a mixed Nakshatra. It is a soft as well as a harsh Nakshatra. Fire can weld things and at that same time, it can even melt things. In the kitchen, it makes the food, but it can also burn it down. This fire also helps to digest food in the stomach.

Thus, a critical nature with both creative and destructive tendencies is displayed by this star and is also called the star of fire because of its connection with Agni, which has two heads and seven tongues. Agni is the consumer of the
sacrifices through fire rituals or Homa. One of the heads is a mortal head; the other head is connected to the heavens. Agni has three legs, which shows its presence in all three worlds.

The element of fire also represents Krittika as the presiding deity is Agni, the god of fire. Those born under this star are combative with a fiery disposition. The Sun is the ruling planet, which also signifies fire and the highest level of
purification. Krittika natives have an adventurous spirit and are constantly looking to fuel their fire with new
information and experiences. Physical activity and an energetic demeanour are characteristic of those born under this nakshatra Kartikeya who was raised by the seven wives of the seven sages are also associated with Krittika Lord Muruga/Skanda/Karttikeya, the Commander of the Celestial Godly Forces. There is a nurturing quality to this star, which is often hidden behind a tough exterior. Those born under this nakshatra are commonly involved with teaching or universities Kritika: Rules face, Neck, Tonsilitis, lower Jaw, back part of the head of Kaalpurush. The diseases related to this nakshatra are Pimples, blood in the eyes, Tonsillitis, swelling in the neck, and boils. They may have a sharp tongue, yet they have amazing willpower, and the capacity to support others, This is a star of courage, awareness and purification.

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