Venus in 12th House | Predictive Astrology Course

Venus in 12th House or Venus is 12th form any house

Venus in 12th house and the lord of the 12th is also there, Venus will become a wealth-giving planet. The reason for this is that Venus, the significator of luxuries in such circumstances, will not only have a close relationship with the house of (luxuries, comforts, pleasures, sensitivity, beauty, Wealth, finest, rare and costly things) but also with its lord. The placement of Venus in the 12th house is very beneficial and gives rise to Dhana yoga in various ways.

Suppose Venus is the lord of the 4th house, sitting in the 3rd house’ so venus is 12th from the 4th house, so here venus will give good results for home comfort, vehicle comfort, or luxury, depending upon the strength of the chart as per other planets.

The person having 12th house Venus is mostly good looking, energetic, choosy towards their likings, they want things very organized in a way they want, for them, his/her comfort comes 1st, they mostly go with the quality, value, and brands not with the quantity & cost. One Exception For Libra’s 12th house Venus is quite disappointing because for Libra Ascendant Venus in the 12th goes in Debilitation sign Virgo.


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