Kendra Houses and Remedy | Astrology Course

Importance of Kendra Houses & Remedy of Planet in Kendra

Magic of Kendra Houses:

In Kaal Purush Kundali, in every Kendra some planet is getting exalted Sun in 1st, Jupiter in 4th, Saturn in 7th, Mars in 10th). Kendra is Place where you can work & improve your Planet’s sits. Kendra houses are the second most significant houses after the Konas. These are the four houses around the centre. The house numbers are first, fourth, seventh and tenth. If auspicious planets like Jupiter are present in the Kendra house, it increases the internal strength of a person. In fact, it increases your ability to overcome challenges. Disease and illness will not deter you and you will be able to fight them with courage. 

For Example: If Jupiter is in 1st house you must develop the habit of taking knowledge, reading books, complete your education properly. You must be happy about educating someone and having true faith in god, all this can improve your Jupiter. Similarly, if Mars is sitting in the 4th house, you must try to keep good relations with your brothers, take the blessing of Mother, and keep yourself calm & cool while being at home.

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