Indu Lagna in Astrology | Wealth Analysis in Astrology

Indu Lagna in Astrology Wealth Analysis in Astrology

Indu Lagna in Astrology

Indu Lagna, also known as Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant, is a concept in Vedic astrology that focuses on financial prosperity. To calculate Indu Lagana, you’ll need an accurate birth chart and knowledge of the positions of the planets at the time of birth. Here are the steps to find Indu Lagana:


How to find out Indu Lagan?

to find out Indu Lagna, 1st you have to follow a table of Points given to the Planets

Planet Points
Sun 30
Moon 16
Mars 6
Mercury 8
Jupiter 10
Venus 12
Saturn 1

Step 1: Find out the 9th Lord from your Ascendant (Lagna) & also from the Moon, In the above Picture 9th lord from Lagna is Saturn & 9th lord from the Moon is Venus. Now Add the Points of Saturn and Venus -(1 + 12)=13. 

Step 2: Mins 12 from the total number that you get Adding the 9th lord from Ascendant and Moon, you have to keep doing this until you will not get the number below 12th. In the above Picture Sum of 9th lord from Ascendant and Moon, we are Gitting 13, (13-12)=1

Step 3: Now Come to Lagna Chart Consider the 1st house where the moon is and Count, the house you get is your Indu Lagna. In the above Picture, Indulagna is the 10th House, because we get the Number 1 and 1st house from mone is 10th house.

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