Property Analysis in Astrology | Predictive Astrology Course

Property Analysis in Astrology from the birth chart


Property Analysis in birth chart | Predictive Astrology

2 Planets (Mars, Saturn) & 3-Houses( 4th house, 6th house & 11th) house play a very important role in predicting or making analysis regarding property matters.

Importance of Planets for Property Analysis in Astrology

Mars In Astrology

Mars is your brother, energy, aggression, dominance, fighting, blood pressure, muscular health, gymming, yoga, body temperature, implementation, Property, land, fast working energy, courage, stamina, sexual power etc.


Saturn In Astrology

Saturn is a slow-moving planet in astrology. Saturn is a karaka of delays, hardships, hard work, labour, Construction, class, poor people, sufferings, sadness, alone, introvert, maturity, authority, success through hard work, government, spirituality etc.


Property Analysis in Astrology how to analyse

  • If Mars is in a strong position (10th, 1st, 11th, 5th -house) or in aspects of Jupiter or Moon this shows benefits from property matters. Similarly, if Mars is afflicted by Rahu or Saturn this shows there is difficulty while making or buying property.
  • If Saturn is strong in the horoscope, this makes a person fewer hurdles in owing the property at an early age.
  • If Mars or Saturn is in your birth chart sitting in the 11th house as having ownership of the 4th house, this shows person while get benefited from property easily in his life.


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