Vedic Astrology Course | Astrobelief Astrology

Vedic Astrology Course by Astrologer Vivek Dubey

Vedic Astrology Course | Astrobelief astrology

Vedic Astrology is a form of astrology originating from ancient India, based on the principles of the Vedas, the oldest sacred text of Hinduism. It uses the position of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth to analyze their personality traits, future prospects, and life events.

What are the benefits of Learning the Vedic Astrology Course?

Five Important Benefits of Learning Vedic Astrology Course:

  1. Understanding of self and others: Astrology can provide insights into a person’s strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies, allowing for greater self-awareness and empathy for others.

  2. Improved decision-making: Astrology can provide guidance and clarity for important life choices, such as career and relationship decisions.
  3. Increased spirituality: Astrology can deepen one’s connection to spirituality and the larger universe.
  4. Enhance creativity: Astrology can inspire creativity and self-expression, as well as help artists and writers to better understand their unique gifts.
  5. Stress relief: Astrology can provide a framework for understanding life’s challenges, offering comfort and support during difficult times.

Learn Predictive Astrology form Astrologer Vivek Dubey


Live- Predictive Astrology course

Contact: 9967708354

Basics of Astrology Course (Zodiac Sign, 12- Houses, Kaal Purush Kundli)-3 live Lectures
Planets in Astrology-(Stories & How they Work in your Life, Logical & deep Explanations & Remedies) 10 live Lectures
Combinations of Planets (Quick Prediction Techniques) 2- live Lectures
Yogas in Astrology – 1 live Lecture
Vimshotri MahaDasha Analysis for (Events related to life) 1-live Lecture
Understanding of Medical Astrology 1- live Lecture
Chart Practice (Live Sessions on Google Meet) 2- live Lecture
Transits of Planets in Astrology how the Works- 2 live Lectures
Chart Practice How to Predict (Chart Practice on Wealth, Health, Marriage, Cheating, Love, Education Yogas)- 3 live Lectures




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