Wealth Giving Yogas | Astrobelief Astrology Blog

Wealth Giving Yogas

Planets in the horoscope denote much wealth for the native in the following circumstances. The greater the number
of such good combinations in a birth chart and the stronger the good factors involved, the richer the man becomes.

(a) When the lagnas are strong. lagna proper, the chandra lagna and the surya lagna. lagnas may be considered to be strong when these contain benefic planets. lords aspect them, particularly when the lord of the lagna or
any of its signs is also aspected by or is associated with a benefic planet.

(b) When the houses of wealth i.e. 2nd, 9th or 11th and their lords are strong & Conjunct in some way or the other.

(c) When rajyogas of Parashar are present in the horoscope. The greater the number of such yogas the richer the man. Parashar Raj yoga is formed when the lord of a Kendra joins the lord of a trikona without bad ownership or when a single planet owns kendra and kona simultaneously (e.g. mars for cancer people).



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